miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014


"This movie shows what we most do all the time. We have to listen to others problems but first we have to start with ourselves, even if we don't believe it we have a dead poet on the inside, because we try to show our feelings and that's the key for a good life"
Jesús Silva Soni

"I think that all us have to be like Mr John Keating because he don't care what the others think about him and he always had good answers to people's problems"
Mario de Leija

"This movie made me believe in myself and what I can do no matter what is the situation, but always having a good attitude and having a cold head"
Ramsés Delgado 

"I believe that in life we need to follow our dreams, does not matter if people tells you to stop dreamings" 
                                             Erick Gervacci

"CARPE DIEM. SEIZE THE DAY. This is the most important thing to do every single day, because we don't know what can happen tomorrow"
Saúl Anzures

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