miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014


Here are several key phrases from the movie. Discuss their meaning
·       The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse
You can be part of a great mission

·       Only in their dreams can men be truly free
People have attachments and concerns that hold them down and limit their actions in the real world. Only in dreams are people "free" of such burdens.

·       I want you to find your own way to walk
Give a meaning to your life and do whatever you want.

·       Sucking the marrow out of life does not mean choking on the bone
You should focus on the essence of life; living to the fullest. Not to be let down by unpleasant and unimportant things around you. to focus on the beauty in life rather than the bad.

·       Make your lives extraordinary
Live your life to the fullest.

What do you think about the whole “Neil Perry” situation? Who was responsible? Is there free will? What are your views on freedom and responsibility? 

He was hard pressed by his father in all senses.
His father was the responsible for his dead, always wanting to rule the life of his son without letting Neil to express his point of view.
There’s no free will because of his father.
You are free to do what you want to be in your life, take your own decisions but always with a responsible attitude.

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