miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014


"This movie shows what we most do all the time. We have to listen to others problems but first we have to start with ourselves, even if we don't believe it we have a dead poet on the inside, because we try to show our feelings and that's the key for a good life"
Jesús Silva Soni

"I think that all us have to be like Mr John Keating because he don't care what the others think about him and he always had good answers to people's problems"
Mario de Leija

"This movie made me believe in myself and what I can do no matter what is the situation, but always having a good attitude and having a cold head"
Ramsés Delgado 

"I believe that in life we need to follow our dreams, does not matter if people tells you to stop dreamings" 
                                             Erick Gervacci

"CARPE DIEM. SEIZE THE DAY. This is the most important thing to do every single day, because we don't know what can happen tomorrow"
Saúl Anzures


Here are several key phrases from the movie. Discuss their meaning
·       The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse
You can be part of a great mission

·       Only in their dreams can men be truly free
People have attachments and concerns that hold them down and limit their actions in the real world. Only in dreams are people "free" of such burdens.

·       I want you to find your own way to walk
Give a meaning to your life and do whatever you want.

·       Sucking the marrow out of life does not mean choking on the bone
You should focus on the essence of life; living to the fullest. Not to be let down by unpleasant and unimportant things around you. to focus on the beauty in life rather than the bad.

·       Make your lives extraordinary
Live your life to the fullest.

What do you think about the whole “Neil Perry” situation? Who was responsible? Is there free will? What are your views on freedom and responsibility? 

He was hard pressed by his father in all senses.
His father was the responsible for his dead, always wanting to rule the life of his son without letting Neil to express his point of view.
There’s no free will because of his father.
You are free to do what you want to be in your life, take your own decisions but always with a responsible attitude.


What theory (of the five we saw: psychodynamic, psychosocial, behavioral, traits, and humanist) best describes this sentiment (Carpe Diem)? How does this phrase change each of the characters?   


Behavioral, because if we do different things we can be different persons, it depends on do what you wants and not what you are supposed to. The phrase began to change the students life because they started to try new things and chase their dreams.

This movie shows the battle between conformity and individuality. Discuss this for the main characters, as well as for John Keating.

So that's individuality fights against to, because individuality makes us think and do the things we want, in the moment we want and in the way we want, and that's why we are different from the other people.

What concept does Mr. Keating illustrate by making them walk in the yard (we saw it on the first partial)? Define it in your own words. What does Mr. Keating say about personal integrity? Which theory (of the five we saw: psychodynamic, psychosocial, behavioral, cognitive, and humanist) talks about this concept as a desirable characteristic of humans’ personality?  

It was individualism and this means that we don't have to be like the other people, we most have a unique way to think and to be and, of course, is the humanist theory.

Which of the basic social skills does Mr. Keating show the most? (Empathy, assertiveness, solidarity and effective listening).   
He shows more assertiveness and effective listening because he always listen to his students and always has the right words for them and for helping in every problem that they had.


Describe Neil Perry’s personality, one of the main characters of the movie.
 Could be considered the leader of the group.Always cheerful and optimistic, initially Neil was limited to abide by the rules imposed on her father. It was very responsible and good student. It was he who most affected the ideas of Keating, and this might discover his passion for acting. It was very attentive and it was who first attempted to integrate Todd.

What type of family does Neil Perry have? Authoritarian, Authoritative, Indulgent, Uninvolved. Explain why you think he has that type of family.   


Authoritative, Indulgent, Uninvolved. Explain why you think he has that type of family.
Authoritarian; because his parent didn’t let him do what he loved (Theater) and because his parent was so though on him he had to look this appreciation with other groups. 

In your own words, what’s the Dead Poets Society? (Groups)  

It’s a great way for people (not just young students) to interact with their feelings, we believe that this Society was actually a pretty comprehensive group witch each other of the members, each one of them had their turn to say what they thought and what they feel. 

  In your own words, why does Mr. Keating stand on his desk and ask his students to stand on his desk? What theory (psychodynamic, psychosocial, behavioral, traits, and humanist) best describes this attitude?

Humanist, because when he stands on his desk he said that it was because he want to have a different perspective and look forward.